What Clients say about Rebalancing with David
I always came away with a deeper acceptance and sense of who I am
David helped me successfully work with those issues in my life that nothing else I had tried had unlocked or addressed
Rebalancing worked not just for the hour or so we were together but also continued to work over the days afterwards
Rebalancing with David has definitely been the deepest transformational experience on the level of body in my life.
David wasn’t doing a treatment to me. We were always partners, journeying together in a mystery
David is full of care – care-full – and this together with his loving attention is so powerful and in itself part of my healing process
Since the session I am breathing with full lungs, I can function with less sleep, I naturally drink more water and I stand and walk straight (probably the first time since the age of 5, and I am 38 now).
Why did I keep coming back? Because it was so valuable